arXiv reaDer
Conti-Fuse: A Novel Continuous Decomposition-based Fusion Framework for Infrared and Visible Images
For better explore the relations of inter-modal and inner-modal, even in deep learning fusion framework, the concept of decomposition plays a crucial role. However, the previous decomposition strategies (base \& detail or low-frequency \& high-frequency) are too rough to present the common features and the unique features of source modalities, which leads to a decline in the quality of the fused images. The existing strategies treat these relations as a binary system, which may not be suitable for the complex generation task (e.g. image fusion). To address this issue, a continuous decomposition-based fusion framework (Conti-Fuse) is proposed. Conti-Fuse treats the decomposition results as few samples along the feature variation trajectory of the source images, extending this concept to a more general state to achieve continuous decomposition. This novel continuous decomposition strategy enhances the representation of complementary information of inter-modal by increasing the number of decomposition samples, thus reducing the loss of critical information. To facilitate this process, the continuous decomposition module (CDM) is introduced to decompose the input into a series continuous components. The core module of CDM, State Transformer (ST), is utilized to efficiently capture the complementary information from source modalities. Furthermore, a novel decomposition loss function is also designed which ensures the smooth progression of the decomposition process while maintaining linear growth in time complexity with respect to the number of decomposition samples. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed Conti-Fuse achieves superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art fusion methods.
updated: Tue Dec 03 2024 02:46:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jun 07 2024 07:01:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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