arXiv reaDer
Attention Fusion Reverse Distillation for Multi-Lighting Image Anomaly Detection
This study targets Multi-Lighting Image Anomaly Detection (MLIAD), where multiple lighting conditions are utilized to enhance imaging quality and anomaly detection performance. While numerous image anomaly detection methods have been proposed, they lack the capacity to handle multiple inputs for a single sample, like multi-lighting images in MLIAD. Hence, this study proposes Attention Fusion Reverse Distillation (AFRD) to handle multiple inputs in MLIAD. For this purpose, AFRD utilizes a pre-trained teacher network to extract features from multiple inputs. Then these features are aggregated into fused features through an attention module. Subsequently, a corresponding student net-work is utilized to regress the attention fused features. The regression errors are denoted as anomaly scores during inference. Experiments on Eyecandies demonstrates that AFRD achieves superior MLIAD performance than other MLIAD alternatives, also highlighting the benefit of using multiple lighting conditions for anomaly detection.
updated: Fri Jun 07 2024 01:26:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jun 07 2024 01:26:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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