arXiv reaDer
Inv-Adapter: ID Customization Generation via Image Inversion and Lightweight Adapter
The remarkable advancement in text-to-image generation models significantly boosts the research in ID customization generation. However, existing personalization methods cannot simultaneously satisfy high fidelity and high-efficiency requirements. Their main bottleneck lies in the prompt image encoder, which produces weak alignment signals with the text-to-image model and significantly increased model size. Towards this end, we propose a lightweight Inv-Adapter, which first extracts diffusion-domain representations of ID images utilizing a pre-trained text-to-image model via DDIM image inversion, without additional image encoder. Benefiting from the high alignment of the extracted ID prompt features and the intermediate features of the text-to-image model, we then embed them efficiently into the base text-to-image model by carefully designing a lightweight attention adapter. We conduct extensive experiments to assess ID fidelity, generation loyalty, speed, and training parameters, all of which show that the proposed Inv-Adapter is highly competitive in ID customization generation and model scale.
updated: Thu Jun 06 2024 06:59:46 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jun 05 2024 02:59:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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