arXiv reaDer
MaGS: Reconstructing and Simulating Dynamic 3D Objects with Mesh-adsorbed Gaussian Splatting
3D reconstruction and simulation, although interrelated, have distinct objectives: reconstruction requires a flexible 3D representation that can adapt to diverse scenes, while simulation needs a structured representation to model motion principles effectively. This paper introduces the Mesh-adsorbed Gaussian Splatting (MaGS) method to address this challenge. MaGS constrains 3D Gaussians to roam near the mesh, creating a mutually adsorbed mesh-Gaussian 3D representation. Such representation harnesses both the rendering flexibility of 3D Gaussians and the structured property of meshes. To achieve this, we introduce RMD-Net, a network that learns motion priors from video data to refine mesh deformations, alongside RGD-Net, which models the relative displacement between the mesh and Gaussians to enhance rendering fidelity under mesh constraints. To generalize to novel, user-defined deformations beyond input video without reliance on temporal data, we propose MPE-Net, which leverages inherent mesh information to bootstrap RMD-Net and RGD-Net. Due to the universality of meshes, MaGS is compatible with various deformation priors such as ARAP, SMPL, and soft physics simulation. Extensive experiments on the D-NeRF, DG-Mesh, and PeopleSnapshot datasets demonstrate that MaGS achieves state-of-the-art performance in both reconstruction and simulation.
updated: Fri Nov 22 2024 18:20:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jun 03 2024 17:59:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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