arXiv reaDer
DeNVeR: Deformable Neural Vessel Representations for Unsupervised Video Vessel Segmentation
This paper presents Deformable Neural Vessel Representations (DeNVeR), an unsupervised approach for vessel segmentation in X-ray angiography videos without annotated ground truth. DeNVeR utilizes optical flow and layer separation techniques, enhancing segmentation accuracy and adaptability through test-time training. Key contributions include a novel layer separation bootstrapping technique, a parallel vessel motion loss, and the integration of Eulerian motion fields for modeling complex vessel dynamics. A significant component of this research is the introduction of the XACV dataset, the first X-ray angiography coronary video dataset with high-quality, manually labeled segmentation ground truth. Extensive evaluations on both XACV and CADICA datasets demonstrate that DeNVeR outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in vessel segmentation accuracy and generalization capability while maintaining temporal coherency. See our project page for video results at
updated: Sat Dec 07 2024 18:27:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jun 03 2024 17:59:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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