arXiv reaDer
Scaling Up Deep Clustering Methods Beyond ImageNet-1K
Deep image clustering methods are typically evaluated on small-scale balanced classification datasets while feature-based k-means has been applied on proprietary billion-scale datasets. In this work, we explore the performance of feature-based deep clustering approaches on large-scale benchmarks whilst disentangling the impact of the following data-related factors: i) class imbalance, ii) class granularity, iii) easy-to-recognize classes, and iv) the ability to capture multiple classes. Consequently, we develop multiple new benchmarks based on ImageNet21K. Our experimental analysis reveals that feature-based k-means is often unfairly evaluated on balanced datasets. However, deep clustering methods outperform k-means across most large-scale benchmarks. Interestingly, k-means underperforms on easy-to-classify benchmarks by large margins. The performance gap, however, diminishes on the highest data regimes such as ImageNet21K. Finally, we find that non-primary cluster predictions capture meaningful classes (i.e. coarser classes).
updated: Mon Jun 03 2024 11:13:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jun 03 2024 11:13:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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