arXiv reaDer
Diffusion Features to Bridge Domain Gap for Semantic Segmentation
Pre-trained diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in synthesizing images across a wide range of scenarios with customizable prompts, indicating their effective capacity to capture universal features. Motivated by this, our study delves into the utilization of the implicit knowledge embedded within diffusion models to address challenges in cross-domain semantic segmentation. This paper investigates the approach that leverages the sampling and fusion techniques to harness the features of diffusion models efficiently. Contrary to the simplistic migration applications characterized by prior research, our finding reveals that the multi-step diffusion process inherent in the diffusion model manifests more robust semantic features. We propose DIffusion Feature Fusion (DIFF) as a backbone use for extracting and integrating effective semantic representations through the diffusion process. By leveraging the strength of text-to-image generation capability, we introduce a new training framework designed to implicitly learn posterior knowledge from it. Through rigorous evaluation in the contexts of domain generalization semantic segmentation, we establish that our methodology surpasses preceding approaches in mitigating discrepancies across distinct domains and attains the state-of-the-art (SOTA) benchmark. Within the synthetic-to-real (syn-to-real) context, our method significantly outperforms ResNet-based and transformer-based backbone methods, achieving an average improvement of 3.84% mIoU across various datasets. The implementation code will be released soon.
updated: Sun Jun 02 2024 15:33:46 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Jun 02 2024 15:33:46 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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