arXiv reaDer
Representing Animatable Avatar via Factorized Neural Fields
For reconstructing high-fidelity human 3D models from monocular videos, it is crucial to maintain consistent large-scale body shapes along with finely matched subtle wrinkles. This paper explores the observation that the per-frame rendering results can be factorized into a pose-independent component and a corresponding pose-dependent equivalent to facilitate frame consistency. Pose adaptive textures can be further improved by restricting frequency bands of these two components. In detail, pose-independent outputs are expected to be low-frequency, while highfrequency information is linked to pose-dependent factors. We achieve a coherent preservation of both coarse body contours across the entire input video and finegrained texture features that are time variant with a dual-branch network with distinct frequency components. The first branch takes coordinates in canonical space as input, while the second branch additionally considers features outputted by the first branch and pose information of each frame. Our network integrates the information predicted by both branches and utilizes volume rendering to generate photo-realistic 3D human images. Through experiments, we demonstrate that our network surpasses the neural radiance fields (NeRF) based state-of-the-art methods in preserving high-frequency details and ensuring consistent body contours.
updated: Sun Jun 02 2024 06:45:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Jun 02 2024 06:45:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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