arXiv reaDer
Quality Sentinel: Estimating Label Quality and Errors in Medical Segmentation Datasets
An increasing number of public datasets have shown a transformative impact on automated medical segmentation. However, these datasets are often with varying label quality, ranging from manual expert annotations to AI-generated pseudo-annotations. There is no systematic, reliable, and automatic quality control (QC). To fill in this bridge, we introduce a regression model, Quality Sentinel, to estimate label quality compared with manual annotations in medical segmentation datasets. This regression model was trained on over 4 million image-label pairs created by us. Each pair presents a varying but quantified label quality based on manual annotations, which enable us to predict the label quality of any image-label pairs in the inference. Our Quality Sentinel can predict the label quality of 142 body structures. The predicted label quality quantified by Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) shares a strong correlation with ground truth quality, with a positive correlation coefficient (r=0.902). Quality Sentinel has found multiple impactful use cases. (I) We evaluated label quality in publicly available datasets, where quality highly varies across different datasets. Our analysis also uncovers that male and younger subjects exhibit significantly higher quality. (II) We identified and corrected poorly annotated labels, achieving 1/3 reduction in annotation costs with optimal budgeting on TotalSegmentator. (III) We enhanced AI training efficiency and performance by focusing on high-quality pseudo labels, resulting in a 33%--88% performance boost over entropy-based methods, with a cost of 31% time and 4.5% memory. The data and model are released.
updated: Sat Jun 01 2024 07:03:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Jun 01 2024 07:03:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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