arXiv reaDer
PLA4D: Pixel-Level Alignments for Text-to-4D Gaussian Splatting
As text-conditioned diffusion models (DMs) achieve breakthroughs in image, video, and 3D generation, the research community's focus has shifted to the more challenging task of text-to-4D synthesis, which introduces a temporal dimension to generate dynamic 3D objects. In this context, we identify Score Distillation Sampling (SDS), a widely used technique for text-to-3D synthesis, as a significant hindrance to text-to-4D performance due to its Janus-faced and texture-unrealistic problems coupled with high computational costs. In this paper, we propose Pixel-Level Alignments for Text-to-4D Gaussian Splatting (PLA4D), a novel method that utilizes text-to-video frames as explicit pixel alignment targets to generate static 3D objects and inject motion into them. Specifically, we introduce Focal Alignment to calibrate camera poses for rendering and GS-Mesh Contrastive Learning to distill geometry priors from rendered image contrasts at the pixel level. Additionally, we develop Motion Alignment using a deformation network to drive changes in Gaussians and implement Reference Refinement for smooth 4D object surfaces. These techniques enable 4D Gaussian Splatting to align geometry, texture, and motion with generated videos at the pixel level. Compared to previous methods, PLA4D produces synthesized outputs with better texture details in less time and effectively mitigates the Janus-faced problem. PLA4D is fully implemented using open-source models, offering an accessible, user-friendly, and promising direction for 4D digital content creation. Our project page:
updated: Wed Jun 05 2024 12:35:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu May 30 2024 11:23:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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