arXiv reaDer
SMPLX-Lite: A Realistic and Drivable Avatar Benchmark with Rich Geometry and Texture Annotations
Recovering photorealistic and drivable full-body avatars is crucial for numerous applications, including virtual reality, 3D games, and tele-presence. Most methods, whether reconstruction or generation, require large numbers of human motion sequences and corresponding textured meshes. To easily learn a drivable avatar, a reasonable parametric body model with unified topology is paramount. However, existing human body datasets either have images or textured models and lack parametric models which fit clothes well. We propose a new parametric model SMPLX-Lite-D, which can fit detailed geometry of the scanned mesh while maintaining stable geometry in the face, hand and foot regions. We present SMPLX-Lite dataset, the most comprehensive clothing avatar dataset with multi-view RGB sequences, keypoints annotations, textured scanned meshes, and textured SMPLX-Lite-D models. With the SMPLX-Lite dataset, we train a conditional variational autoencoder model that takes human pose and facial keypoints as input, and generates a photorealistic drivable human avatar.
updated: Thu May 30 2024 01:53:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu May 30 2024 01:53:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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