The challenge of Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) robustness remains a critical hurdle towards deploying deep vision models. Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have recently achieved groundbreaking results. VLM-based open-vocabulary object detection extends the capabilities of traditional object detection frameworks, enabling the recognition and classification of objects beyond predefined categories. Investigating OOD robustness in recent open-vocabulary object detection is essential to increase the trustworthiness of these models. This study presents a comprehensive robustness evaluation of the zero-shot capabilities of three recent open-vocabulary (OV) foundation object detection models: OWL-ViT, YOLO World, and Grounding DINO. Experiments carried out on the robustness benchmarks COCO-O, COCO-DC, and COCO-C encompassing distribution shifts due to information loss, corruption, adversarial attacks, and geometrical deformation, highlighting the challenges of the model's robustness to foster the research for achieving robustness. Source code shall be made available to the research community on GitHub.