arXiv reaDer
MAMBA4D: Efficient Long-Sequence Point Cloud Video Understanding with Disentangled Spatial-Temporal State Space Models
Point cloud videos can faithfully capture real-world spatial geometries and temporal dynamics, which are essential for enabling intelligent agents to understand the dynamically changing world. However, designing an effective 4D backbone remains challenging, mainly due to the irregular and unordered distribution of points and temporal inconsistencies across frames. Also, recent transformer-based 4D backbones commonly suffer from large computational costs due to their quadratic complexity, particularly for long video sequences.To address these challenges, we propose a novel point cloud video understanding backbone purely based on the State Space Models (SSMs). Specifically, we first disentangle space and time in 4D video sequences and then establish the spatio-temporal correlation with our designed Mamba blocks. The Intra-frame Spatial Mamba module is developed to encode locally similar geometric structures within a certain temporal stride. Subsequently, locally correlated tokens are delivered to the Inter-frame Temporal Mamba module, which integrates long-term point features across the entire video with linear complexity. Our proposed Mamba4d achieves competitive performance on the MSR-Action3D action recognition (+10.4% accuracy), HOI4D action segmentation (+0.7 F1 Score), and Synthia4D semantic segmentation (+0.19 mIoU) datasets. Especially, for long video sequences, our method has a significant efficiency improvement with 87.5% GPU memory reduction and 5.36 times speed-up.
updated: Sun Nov 24 2024 04:26:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu May 23 2024 09:08:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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