arXiv reaDer
Stable Signature is Unstable: Removing Image Watermark from Diffusion Models
Watermark has been widely deployed by industry to detect AI-generated images. A recent watermarking framework called Stable Signature (proposed by Meta) roots watermark into the parameters of a diffusion model's decoder such that its generated images are inherently watermarked. Stable Signature makes it possible to watermark images generated by open-source diffusion models and was claimed to be robust against removal attacks. In this work, we propose a new attack to remove the watermark from a diffusion model by fine-tuning it. Our results show that our attack can effectively remove the watermark from a diffusion model such that its generated images are non-watermarked, while maintaining the visual quality of the generated images. Our results highlight that Stable Signature is not as stable as previously thought.
updated: Sun May 12 2024 03:04:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun May 12 2024 03:04:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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