arXiv reaDer
A Performance Analysis Modeling Framework for Extended Reality Applications in Edge-Assisted Wireless Networks
Extended reality (XR) is at the center of attraction in the research community due to the emergence of augmented, mixed, and virtual reality applications. The performance of such applications needs to be uptight to maintain the requirements of latency, energy consumption, and freshness of data. Therefore, a comprehensive performance analysis model is required to assess the effectiveness of an XR application but is challenging to design due to the dependence of the performance metrics on several difficult-to-model parameters, such as computing resources and hardware utilization of XR and edge devices, which are controlled by both their operating systems and the application itself. Moreover, the heterogeneity in devices and wireless access networks brings additional challenges in modeling. In this paper, we propose a novel modeling framework for performance analysis of XR applications considering edge-assisted wireless networks and validate the model with experimental data collected from testbeds designed specifically for XR applications. In addition, we present the challenges associated with performance analysis modeling and present methods to overcome them in detail. Finally, the performance evaluation shows that the proposed analytical model can analyze XR applications' performance with high accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art analytical models.
updated: Sat May 11 2024 15:16:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat May 11 2024 15:16:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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