arXiv reaDer
MAPL: Memory Augmentation and Pseudo-Labeling for Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection
Large unlabeled data and difficult-to-identify anomalies are the urgent issues need to overcome in most industrial scene. In order to address this issue, a new meth-odology for detecting surface defects in in-dustrial settings is introduced, referred to as Memory Augmentation and Pseudo-Labeling(MAPL). The methodology first in-troduces an anomaly simulation strategy, which significantly improves the model's ability to recognize rare or unknown anom-aly types by generating simulated anomaly samples. To cope with the problem of the lack of labeling of anomalous simulated samples, a pseudo-labeler method based on a one-classifier ensemble was employed in this study, which enhances the robustness of the model in the case of limited labeling data by automatically selecting key pseudo-labeling hyperparameters. Meanwhile, a memory-enhanced learning mechanism is introduced to effectively predict abnormal regions by analyzing the difference be-tween the input samples and the normal samples in the memory pool. An end-to-end learning framework is employed by MAPL to identify the abnormal regions directly from the input data, which optimizes the ef-ficiency and real-time performance of de-tection. By conducting extensive trials on the recently developed BHAD dataset (in-cluding MVTec AD [1], Visa [2], and MDPP [3]), MAPL achieves an average im-age-level AUROC score of 86.2%, demon-strating a 5.1% enhancement compared to the original MemSeg [4] model. The source code is available at
updated: Mon Sep 02 2024 09:28:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri May 10 2024 02:26:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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