arXiv reaDer
DCNN: Dual Cross-current Neural Networks Realized Using An Interactive Deep Learning Discriminator for Fine-grained Objects
Accurate classification of fine-grained images remains a challenge in backbones based on convolutional operations or self-attention mechanisms. This study proposes novel dual-current neural networks (DCNN), which combine the advantages of convolutional operations and self-attention mechanisms to improve the accuracy of fine-grained image classification. The main novel design features for constructing a weakly supervised learning backbone model DCNN include (a) extracting heterogeneous data, (b) keeping the feature map resolution unchanged, (c) expanding the receptive field, and (d) fusing global representations and local features. Experimental results demonstrated that using DCNN as the backbone network for classifying certain fine-grained benchmark datasets achieved performance advantage improvements of 13.5--19.5% and 2.2--12.9%, respectively, compared to other advanced convolution or attention-based fine-grained backbones.
updated: Tue May 07 2024 07:51:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue May 07 2024 07:51:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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