arXiv reaDer
OmniDrive: A Holistic LLM-Agent Framework for Autonomous Driving with 3D Perception, Reasoning and Planning
The advances in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have led to growing interests in LLM-based autonomous driving agents to leverage their strong reasoning capabilities. However, capitalizing on MLLMs' strong reasoning capabilities for improved planning behavior is challenging since planning requires full 3D situational awareness beyond 2D reasoning. To address this challenge, our work proposes a holistic framework for strong alignment between agent models and 3D driving tasks. Our framework starts with a novel 3D MLLM architecture that uses sparse queries to lift and compress visual representations into 3D before feeding them into an LLM. This query-based representation allows us to jointly encode dynamic objects and static map elements (e.g., traffic lanes), providing a condensed world model for perception-action alignment in 3D. We further propose OmniDrive-nuScenes, a new visual question-answering dataset challenging the true 3D situational awareness of a model with comprehensive visual question-answering (VQA) tasks, including scene description, traffic regulation, 3D grounding, counterfactual reasoning, decision making and planning. Extensive studies show the effectiveness of the proposed architecture as well as the importance of the VQA tasks for reasoning and planning in complex 3D scenes.
updated: Thu May 02 2024 17:59:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu May 02 2024 17:59:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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