arXiv reaDer
Understanding Retrieval-Augmented Task Adaptation for Vision-Language Models
Pre-trained contrastive vision-language models have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks. However, they often struggle on fine-trained datasets with categories not adequately represented during pre-training, which makes adaptation necessary. Recent works have shown promising results by utilizing samples from web-scale databases for retrieval-augmented adaptation, especially in low-data regimes. Despite the empirical success, understanding how retrieval impacts the adaptation of vision-language models remains an open research question. In this work, we adopt a reflective perspective by presenting a systematic study to understand the roles of key components in retrieval-augmented adaptation. We unveil new insights on uni-modal and cross-modal retrieval and highlight the critical role of logit ensemble for effective adaptation. We further present theoretical underpinnings that directly support our empirical observations.
updated: Thu May 02 2024 16:59:05 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu May 02 2024 16:59:05 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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