arXiv reaDer
Self-Supervised Learning for Interventional Image Analytics: Towards Robust Device Trackers
An accurate detection and tracking of devices such as guiding catheters in live X-ray image acquisitions is an essential prerequisite for endovascular cardiac interventions. This information is leveraged for procedural guidance, e.g., directing stent placements. To ensure procedural safety and efficacy, there is a need for high robustness no failures during tracking. To achieve that, one needs to efficiently tackle challenges, such as: device obscuration by contrast agent or other external devices or wires, changes in field-of-view or acquisition angle, as well as the continuous movement due to cardiac and respiratory motion. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we propose a novel approach to learn spatio-temporal features from a very large data cohort of over 16 million interventional X-ray frames using self-supervision for image sequence data. Our approach is based on a masked image modeling technique that leverages frame interpolation based reconstruction to learn fine inter-frame temporal correspondences. The features encoded in the resulting model are fine-tuned downstream. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance and in particular robustness compared to ultra optimized reference solutions (that use multi-stage feature fusion, multi-task and flow regularization). The experiments show that our method achieves 66.31% reduction in maximum tracking error against reference solutions (23.20% when flow regularization is used); achieving a success score of 97.95% at a 3x faster inference speed of 42 frames-per-second (on GPU). The results encourage the use of our approach in various other tasks within interventional image analytics that require effective understanding of spatio-temporal semantics.
updated: Thu May 02 2024 10:18:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu May 02 2024 10:18:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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