arXiv reaDer
ESP-Zero: Unsupervised enhancement of zero-shot classification for Extremely Sparse Point cloud
In recent years, zero-shot learning has attracted the focus of many researchers, due to its flexibility and generality. Many approaches have been proposed to achieve the zero-shot classification of the point clouds for 3D object understanding, following the schema of CLIP. However, in the real world, the point clouds could be extremely sparse, dramatically limiting the effectiveness of the 3D point cloud encoders, and resulting in the misalignment of point cloud features and text embeddings. To the point cloud encoders to fit the extremely sparse point clouds without re-running the pre-training procedure which could be time-consuming and expensive, in this work, we propose an unsupervised model adaptation approach to enhance the point cloud encoder for the extremely sparse point clouds. We propose a novel fused-cross attention layer that expands the pre-trained self-attention layer with additional learnable tokens and attention blocks, which effectively modifies the point cloud features while maintaining the alignment between point cloud features and text embeddings. We also propose a complementary learning-based self-distillation schema that encourages the modified features to be pulled apart from the irrelevant text embeddings without overfitting the feature space to the observed text embeddings. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach effectively increases the zero-shot capability on extremely sparse point clouds, and overwhelms other state-of-the-art model adaptation approaches.
updated: Tue Apr 30 2024 15:42:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Apr 30 2024 15:42:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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