arXiv reaDer
GSTalker: Real-time Audio-Driven Talking Face Generation via Deformable Gaussian Splatting
We present GStalker, a 3D audio-driven talking face generation model with Gaussian Splatting for both fast training (40 minutes) and real-time rendering (125 FPS) with a 3∼5 minute video for training material, in comparison with previous 2D and 3D NeRF-based modeling frameworks which require hours of training and seconds of rendering per frame. Specifically, GSTalker learns an audio-driven Gaussian deformation field to translate and transform 3D Gaussians to synchronize with audio information, in which multi-resolution hashing grid-based tri-plane and temporal smooth module are incorporated to learn accurate deformation for fine-grained facial details. In addition, a pose-conditioned deformation field is designed to model the stabilized torso. To enable efficient optimization of the condition Gaussian deformation field, we initialize 3D Gaussians by learning a coarse static Gaussian representation. Extensive experiments in person-specific videos with audio tracks validate that GSTalker can generate high-fidelity and audio-lips synchronized results with fast training and real-time rendering speed.
updated: Mon Apr 29 2024 18:28:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Apr 29 2024 18:28:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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