arXiv reaDer
360VOTS: Visual Object Tracking and Segmentation in Omnidirectional Videos
Visual object tracking and segmentation in omnidirectional videos are challenging due to the wide field-of-view and large spherical distortion brought by 360° images. To alleviate these problems, we introduce a novel representation, extended bounding field-of-view (eBFoV), for target localization and use it as the foundation of a general 360 tracking framework which is applicable for both omnidirectional visual object tracking and segmentation tasks. Building upon our previous work on omnidirectional visual object tracking (360VOT), we propose a comprehensive dataset and benchmark that incorporates a new component called omnidirectional video object segmentation (360VOS). The 360VOS dataset includes 290 sequences accompanied by dense pixel-wise masks and covers a broader range of target categories. To support both the development and evaluation of algorithms in this domain, we divide the dataset into a training subset with 170 sequences and a testing subset with 120 sequences. Furthermore, we tailor evaluation metrics for both omnidirectional tracking and segmentation to ensure rigorous assessment. Through extensive experiments, we benchmark state-of-the-art approaches and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed 360 tracking framework and training dataset. Homepage:
updated: Mon Apr 22 2024 07:54:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Apr 22 2024 07:54:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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