arXiv reaDer
Robust CLIP-Based Detector for Exposing Diffusion Model-Generated Images
Diffusion models (DMs) have revolutionized image generation, producing high-quality images with applications spanning various fields. However, their ability to create hyper-realistic images poses significant challenges in distinguishing between real and synthetic content, raising concerns about digital authenticity and potential misuse in creating deepfakes. This work introduces a robust detection framework that integrates image and text features extracted by CLIP model with a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier. We propose a novel loss that can improve the detector's robustness and handle imbalanced datasets. Additionally, we flatten the loss landscape during the model training to improve the detector's generalization capabilities. The effectiveness of our method, which outperforms traditional detection techniques, is demonstrated through extensive experiments, underscoring its potential to set a new state-of-the-art approach in DM-generated image detection. The code is available at
updated: Fri Apr 19 2024 14:30:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Apr 19 2024 14:30:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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