arXiv reaDer
MobileNetV4 -- Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
We present the latest generation of MobileNets, known as MobileNetV4 (MNv4), featuring universally efficient architecture designs for mobile devices. At its core, we introduce the Universal Inverted Bottleneck (UIB) search block, a unified and flexible structure that merges Inverted Bottleneck (IB), ConvNext, Feed Forward Network (FFN), and a novel Extra Depthwise (ExtraDW) variant. Alongside UIB, we present Mobile MQA, an attention block tailored for mobile accelerators, delivering a significant 39% speedup. An optimized neural architecture search (NAS) recipe is also introduced which improves MNv4 search effectiveness. The integration of UIB, Mobile MQA and the refined NAS recipe results in a new suite of MNv4 models that are mostly Pareto optimal across mobile CPUs, DSPs, GPUs, as well as specialized accelerators like Apple Neural Engine and Google Pixel EdgeTPU - a characteristic not found in any other models tested. Finally, to further boost accuracy, we introduce a novel distillation technique. Enhanced by this technique, our MNv4-Hybrid-Large model delivers 87% ImageNet-1K accuracy, with a Pixel 8 EdgeTPU runtime of just 3.8ms.
updated: Sun Sep 29 2024 21:58:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Apr 16 2024 12:41:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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