arXiv reaDer
HSIDMamba: Exploring Bidirectional State-Space Models for Hyperspectral Denoising
Effectively discerning spatial-spectral dependencies in HSI denoising is crucial, but prevailing methods using convolution or transformers still face computational efficiency limitations. Recently, the emerging Selective State Space Model(Mamba) has risen with its nearly linear computational complexity in processing natural language sequences, which inspired us to explore its potential in handling long spectral sequences. In this paper, we propose HSIDMamba(HSDM), tailored to exploit the linear complexity for effectively capturing spatial-spectral dependencies in HSI denoising. In particular, HSDM comprises multiple Hyperspectral Continuous Scan Blocks, incorporating BCSM(Bidirectional Continuous Scanning Mechanism), scale residual, and spectral attention mechanisms to enhance the capture of long-range and local spatial-spectral information. BCSM strengthens spatial-spectral interactions by linking forward and backward scans and enhancing information from eight directions through SSM, significantly enhancing the perceptual capability of HSDM and improving denoising performance more effectively. Extensive evaluations against HSI denoising benchmarks validate the superior performance of HSDM, achieving state-of-the-art results in performance and surpassing the efficiency of the latest transformer architectures by 30%.
updated: Mon Apr 15 2024 11:59:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Apr 15 2024 11:59:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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