arXiv reaDer
LIPT: Latency-aware Image Processing Transformer
Transformer is leading a trend in the field of image processing. Despite the great success that existing lightweight image processing transformers have achieved, they are tailored to FLOPs or parameters reduction, rather than practical inference acceleration. In this paper, we present a latency-aware image processing transformer, termed LIPT. We devise the low-latency proportion LIPT block that substitutes memory-intensive operators with the combination of self-attention and convolutions to achieve practical speedup. Specifically, we propose a novel non-volatile sparse masking self-attention (NVSM-SA) that utilizes a pre-computing sparse mask to capture contextual information from a larger window with no extra computation overload. Besides, a high-frequency reparameterization module (HRM) is proposed to make LIPT block reparameterization friendly, which improves the model's detail reconstruction capability. Extensive experiments on multiple image processing tasks (e.g., image super-resolution (SR), JPEG artifact reduction, and image denoising) demonstrate the superiority of LIPT on both latency and PSNR. LIPT achieves real-time GPU inference with state-of-the-art performance on multiple image SR benchmarks.
updated: Tue Apr 09 2024 07:25:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Apr 09 2024 07:25:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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