arXiv reaDer
OmniColor: A Global Camera Pose Optimization Approach of LiDAR-360Camera Fusion for Colorizing Point Clouds
A Colored point cloud, as a simple and efficient 3D representation, has many advantages in various fields, including robotic navigation and scene reconstruction. This representation is now commonly used in 3D reconstruction tasks relying on cameras and LiDARs. However, fusing data from these two types of sensors is poorly performed in many existing frameworks, leading to unsatisfactory mapping results, mainly due to inaccurate camera poses. This paper presents OmniColor, a novel and efficient algorithm to colorize point clouds using an independent 360-degree camera. Given a LiDAR-based point cloud and a sequence of panorama images with initial coarse camera poses, our objective is to jointly optimize the poses of all frames for mapping images onto geometric reconstructions. Our pipeline works in an off-the-shelf manner that does not require any feature extraction or matching process. Instead, we find optimal poses by directly maximizing the photometric consistency of LiDAR maps. In experiments, we show that our method can overcome the severe visual distortion of omnidirectional images and greatly benefit from the wide field of view (FOV) of 360-degree cameras to reconstruct various scenarios with accuracy and stability. The code will be released at
updated: Thu Sep 26 2024 13:53:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Apr 06 2024 17:41:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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