arXiv reaDer
PoCo: Point Context Cluster for RGBD Indoor Place Recognition
We present a novel end-to-end algorithm (PoCo) for the indoor RGB-D place recognition task, aimed at identifying the most likely match for a given query frame within a reference database. The task presents inherent challenges attributed to the constrained field of view and limited range of perception sensors. We propose a new network architecture, which generalizes the recent Context of Clusters (CoCs) to extract global descriptors directly from the noisy point clouds through end-to-end learning. Moreover, we develop the architecture by integrating both color and geometric modalities into the point features to enhance the global descriptor representation. We conducted evaluations on public datasets ScanNet-PR and ARKit with 807 and 5047 scenarios, respectively. PoCo achieves SOTA performance: on ScanNet-PR, we achieve R@1 of 64.63%, a 5.7% improvement from the best-published result CGis (61.12%); on Arkit, we achieve R@1 of 45.12%, a 13.3% improvement from the best-published result CGis (39.82%). In addition, PoCo shows higher efficiency than CGis in inference time (1.75X-faster), and we demonstrate the effectiveness of PoCo in recognizing places within a real-world laboratory environment.
updated: Mon Dec 16 2024 00:10:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Apr 03 2024 17:38:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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