arXiv reaDer
Toward Efficient Visual Gyroscopes: Spherical Moments, Harmonics Filtering, and Masking Techniques for Spherical Camera Applications
Unlike a traditional gyroscope, a visual gyroscope estimates camera rotation through images. The integration of omnidirectional cameras, offering a larger field of view compared to traditional RGB cameras, has proven to yield more accurate and robust results. However, challenges arise in situations that lack features, have substantial noise causing significant errors, and where certain features in the images lack sufficient strength, leading to less precise prediction results. Here, we address these challenges by introducing a novel visual gyroscope, which combines an analytical method with a neural network approach to provide a more efficient and accurate rotation estimation from spherical images. The presented method relies on three key contributions: an adapted analytical approach to compute the spherical moments coefficients, introduction of masks for better global feature representation, and the use of a multilayer perceptron to adaptively choose the best combination of masks and filters. Experimental results demonstrate superior performance of the proposed approach in terms of accuracy. The paper emphasizes the advantages of integrating machine learning to optimize analytical solutions, discusses limitations, and suggests directions for future research.
updated: Tue Apr 02 2024 13:19:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Apr 02 2024 13:19:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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