arXiv reaDer
Noise2Image: Noise-Enabled Static Scene Recovery for Event Cameras
Event cameras capture changes of intensity over time as a stream of 'events' and generally cannot measure intensity itself; hence, they are only used for imaging dynamic scenes. However, fluctuations due to random photon arrival inevitably trigger noise events, even for static scenes. While previous efforts have been focused on filtering out these undesirable noise events to improve signal quality, we find that, in the photon-noise regime, these noise events are correlated with the static scene intensity. We analyze the noise event generation and model its relationship to illuminance. Based on this understanding, we propose a method, called Noise2Image, to leverage the illuminance-dependent noise characteristics to recover the static parts of a scene, which are otherwise invisible to event cameras. We experimentally collect a dataset of noise events on static scenes to train and validate Noise2Image. Our results show that Noise2Image can robustly recover intensity images solely from noise events, providing a novel approach for capturing static scenes in event cameras, without additional hardware.
updated: Mon Apr 01 2024 17:59:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Apr 01 2024 17:59:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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