arXiv reaDer
Grounding and Enhancing Grid-based Models for Neural Fields
Many contemporary studies utilize grid-based models for neural field representation, but a systematic analysis of grid-based models is still missing, hindering the improvement of those models. Therefore, this paper introduces a theoretical framework for grid-based models. This framework points out that these models' approximation and generalization behaviors are determined by grid tangent kernels (GTK), which are intrinsic properties of grid-based models. The proposed framework facilitates a consistent and systematic analysis of diverse grid-based models. Furthermore, the introduced framework motivates the development of a novel grid-based model named the Multiplicative Fourier Adaptive Grid (MulFAGrid). The numerical analysis demonstrates that MulFAGrid exhibits a lower generalization bound than its predecessors, indicating its robust generalization performance. Empirical studies reveal that MulFAGrid achieves state-of-the-art performance in various tasks, including 2D image fitting, 3D signed distance field (SDF) reconstruction, and novel view synthesis, demonstrating superior representation ability. The project website is available at
updated: Sat Apr 06 2024 11:44:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Mar 29 2024 06:33:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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