arXiv reaDer
Debiasing Cardiac Imaging with Controlled Latent Diffusion Models
The progress in deep learning solutions for disease diagnosis and prognosis based on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is hindered by highly imbalanced and biased training data. To address this issue, we propose a method to alleviate imbalances inherent in datasets through the generation of synthetic data based on sensitive attributes such as sex, age, body mass index, and health condition. We adopt ControlNet based on a denoising diffusion probabilistic model to condition on text assembled from patient metadata and cardiac geometry derived from segmentation masks using a large-cohort study, specifically, the UK Biobank. We assess our method by evaluating the realism of the generated images using established quantitative metrics. Furthermore, we conduct a downstream classification task aimed at debiasing a classifier by rectifying imbalances within underrepresented groups through synthetically generated samples. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in mitigating dataset imbalances, such as the scarcity of younger patients or individuals with normal BMI level suffering from heart failure. This work represents a major step towards the adoption of synthetic data for the development of fair and generalizable models for medical classification tasks. Notably, we conduct all our experiments using a single, consumer-level GPU to highlight the feasibility of our approach within resource-constrained environments. Our code is available at
updated: Thu Mar 28 2024 15:41:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Mar 28 2024 15:41:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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