arXiv reaDer
Segmentation tool for images of cracks
Safety-critical infrastructures, such as bridges, are periodically inspected to check for existing damage, such as fatigue cracks and corrosion, and to guarantee the safe use of the infrastructure. Visual inspection is the most frequent type of general inspection, despite the fact that its detection capability is rather limited, especially for fatigue cracks. Machine learning algorithms can be used for augmenting the capability of classical visual inspection of bridge structures, however, the implementation of such an algorithm requires a massive annotated training dataset, which is time-consuming to produce. This paper proposes a semi-automatic crack segmentation tool that eases the manual segmentation of cracks on images needed to create a training dataset for a machine learning algorithm. Also, it can be used to measure the geometry of the crack. This tool makes use of an image processing algorithm, which was initially developed for the analysis of vascular systems on retinal images. The algorithm relies on a multi-orientation wavelet transform, which is applied to the image to construct the so-called "orientation scores", i.e. a modified version of the image. Afterwards, the filtered orientation scores are used to formulate an optimal path problem that identifies the crack. The globally optimal path between manually selected crack endpoints is computed, using a state-of-the-art geometric tracking method. The pixel-wise segmentation is done afterwards using the obtained crack path. The proposed method outperforms fully automatic methods and shows potential to be an adequate alternative to the manual data annotation.
updated: Thu Mar 28 2024 15:23:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Mar 28 2024 15:23:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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