arXiv reaDer
Prototipo de un Contador Bidireccional Automático de Personas basado en sensores de visión 3D
3D sensors, also known as RGB-D sensors, utilize depth images where each pixel measures the distance from the camera to objects, using principles like structured light or time-of-flight. Advances in artificial vision have led to affordable 3D cameras capable of real-time object detection without object movement, surpassing 2D cameras in information depth. These cameras can identify objects of varying colors and reflectivities and are less affected by lighting changes. The described prototype uses RGB-D sensors for bidirectional people counting in venues, aiding security and surveillance in spaces like stadiums or airports. It determines real-time occupancy and checks against maximum capacity, crucial during emergencies. The system includes a RealSense D415 depth camera and a mini-computer running object detection algorithms to count people and a 2D camera for identity verification. The system supports statistical analysis and uses C++, Python, and PHP with OpenCV for image processing, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to monitoring venue occupancy.
updated: Mon Mar 18 2024 23:18:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Mar 18 2024 23:18:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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