arXiv reaDer
DreamSampler: Unifying Diffusion Sampling and Score Distillation for Image Manipulation
Reverse sampling and score-distillation have emerged as main workhorses in recent years for image manipulation using latent diffusion models (LDMs). While reverse diffusion sampling often requires adjustments of LDM architecture or feature engineering, score distillation offers a simple yet powerful model-agnostic approach, but it is often prone to mode-collapsing. To address these limitations and leverage the strengths of both approaches, here we introduce a novel framework called DreamSampler, which seamlessly integrates these two distinct approaches through the lens of regularized latent optimization. Similar to score-distillation, DreamSampler is a model-agnostic approach applicable to any LDM architecture, but it allows both distillation and reverse sampling with additional guidance for image editing and reconstruction. Through experiments involving image editing, SVG reconstruction and etc, we demonstrate the competitive performance of DreamSampler compared to existing approaches, while providing new applications. Code:
updated: Mon Sep 23 2024 06:47:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Mar 18 2024 02:08:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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