arXiv reaDer
Multistep Consistency Models
Diffusion models are relatively easy to train but require many steps to generate samples. Consistency models are far more difficult to train, but generate samples in a single step. In this paper we propose Multistep Consistency Models: A unification between Consistency Models (Song et al., 2023) and TRACT (Berthelot et al., 2023) that can interpolate between a consistency model and a diffusion model: a trade-off between sampling speed and sampling quality. Specifically, a 1-step consistency model is a conventional consistency model whereas a ∞-step consistency model is a diffusion model. Multistep Consistency Models work really well in practice. By increasing the sample budget from a single step to 2-8 steps, we can train models more easily that generate higher quality samples, while retaining much of the sampling speed benefits. Notable results are 1.4 FID on Imagenet 64 in 8 step and 2.1 FID on Imagenet128 in 8 steps with consistency distillation, using simple losses without adversarial training. We also show that our method scales to a text-to-image diffusion model, generating samples that are close to the quality of the original model.
updated: Mon Jun 03 2024 11:33:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Mar 11 2024 15:26:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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