arXiv reaDer
Adaptive Multi-modal Fusion of Spatially Variant Kernel Refinement with Diffusion Model for Blind Image Super-Resolution
Pre-trained diffusion models utilized for image generation encapsulate a substantial reservoir of a priori knowledge pertaining to intricate textures. Harnessing the potential of leveraging this a priori knowledge in the context of image super-resolution presents a compelling avenue. Nonetheless, prevailing diffusion-based methodologies presently overlook the constraints imposed by degradation information on the diffusion process. Furthermore, these methods fail to consider the spatial variability inherent in the estimated blur kernel, stemming from factors such as motion jitter and out-of-focus elements in open-environment scenarios. This oversight results in a notable deviation of the image super-resolution effect from fundamental realities. To address these concerns, we introduce a framework known as Adaptive Multi-modal Fusion of Spatially Variant Kernel Refinement with Diffusion Model for Blind Image Super-Resolution (SSR). Within the SSR framework, we propose a Spatially Variant Kernel Refinement (SVKR) module. SVKR estimates a Depth-Informed Kernel, which takes the depth information into account and is spatially variant. Additionally, SVKR enhance the accuracy of depth information acquired from LR images, allowing for mutual enhancement between the depth map and blur kernel estimates. Finally, we introduce the Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion (AMF) module to align the information from three modalities: low-resolution images, depth maps, and blur kernels. This alignment can constrain the diffusion model to generate more authentic SR results.
updated: Tue Jul 09 2024 15:42:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Mar 09 2024 06:01:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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