arXiv reaDer
Image Coding for Machines with Edge Information Learning Using Segment Anything
Image Coding for Machines (ICM) is an image compression technique for image recognition. This technique is essential due to the growing demand for image recognition AI. In this paper, we propose a method for ICM that focuses on encoding and decoding only the edge information of object parts in an image, which we call SA-ICM. This is an Learned Image Compression (LIC) model trained using edge information created by Segment Anything. Our method can be used for image recognition models with various tasks. SA-ICM is also robust to changes in input data, making it effective for a variety of use cases. Additionally, our method provides benefits from a privacy point of view, as it removes human facial information on the encoder's side, thus protecting one's privacy. Furthermore, this LIC model training method can be used to train Neural Representations for Videos (NeRV), which is a video compression model. By training NeRV using edge information created by Segment Anything, it is possible to create a NeRV that is effective for image recognition (SA-NeRV). Experimental results confirm the advantages of SA-ICM, presenting the best performance in image compression for image recognition. We also show that SA-NeRV is superior to ordinary NeRV in video compression for machines. Code is available at
updated: Fri Jun 07 2024 15:11:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Mar 07 2024 03:07:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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