arXiv reaDer
A dataset of over one thousand computed tomography scans of battery cells
Battery technology is increasingly important for global electrification efforts. However, batteries are highly sensitive to small manufacturing variations that can induce reliability or safety issues. An important technology for battery quality control is computed tomography (CT) scanning, which is widely used for non-destructive 3D inspection across a variety of clinical and industrial applications. Historically, however, the utility of CT scanning for high-volume manufacturing has been limited by its low throughput as well as the difficulty of handling its large file sizes. In this work, we present a dataset of over one thousand CT scans of as-produced commercially available batteries. The dataset spans various chemistries (lithium-ion and sodium-ion) as well as various battery form factors (cylindrical, pouch, and prismatic). We evaluate seven different battery types in total. The manufacturing variability and the presence of battery defects can be observed via this dataset. This dataset may be of interest to scientists and engineers working on battery technology, computer vision, or both.
updated: Tue May 07 2024 17:22:57 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Mar 04 2024 22:42:17 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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