arXiv reaDer
Scribble Hides Class: Promoting Scribble-Based Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Its Class Label
Scribble-based weakly-supervised semantic segmentation using sparse scribble supervision is gaining traction as it reduces annotation costs when compared to fully annotated alternatives. Existing methods primarily generate pseudo-labels by diffusing labeled pixels to unlabeled ones with local cues for supervision. However, this diffusion process fails to exploit global semantics and class-specific cues, which are important for semantic segmentation. In this study, we propose a class-driven scribble promotion network, which utilizes both scribble annotations and pseudo-labels informed by image-level classes and global semantics for supervision. Directly adopting pseudo-labels might misguide the segmentation model, thus we design a localization rectification module to correct foreground representations in the feature space. To further combine the advantages of both supervisions, we also introduce a distance entropy loss for uncertainty reduction, which adapts per-pixel confidence weights according to the reliable region determined by the scribble and pseudo-label's boundary. Experiments on the ScribbleSup dataset with different qualities of scribble annotations outperform all the previous methods, demonstrating the superiority and robustness of our method.The code is available at
updated: Tue Feb 27 2024 14:51:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Feb 27 2024 14:51:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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