arXiv reaDer
SDGE: Stereo Guided Depth Estimation for 360^∘ Camera Sets
Depth estimation is a critical technology in autonomous driving, and multi-camera systems are often used to achieve a 360^∘ perception. These 360^∘ camera sets often have limited or low-quality overlap regions, making multi-view stereo methods infeasible for the entire image. Alternatively, monocular methods may not produce consistent cross-view predictions. To address these issues, we propose the Stereo Guided Depth Estimation (SGDE) method, which enhances depth estimation of the full image by explicitly utilizing multi-view stereo results on the overlap. We suggest building virtual pinhole cameras to resolve the distortion problem of fisheye cameras and unify the processing for the two types of 360^∘ cameras. For handling the varying noise on camera poses caused by unstable movement, the approach employs a self-calibration method to obtain highly accurate relative poses of the adjacent cameras with minor overlap. These enable the use of robust stereo methods to obtain high-quality depth prior in the overlap region. This prior serves not only as an additional input but also as pseudo-labels that enhance the accuracy of depth estimation methods and improve cross-view prediction consistency. The effectiveness of SGDE is evaluated on one fisheye camera dataset, Synthetic Urban, and two pinhole camera datasets, DDAD and nuScenes. Our experiments demonstrate that SGDE is effective for both supervised and self-supervised depth estimation, and highlight the potential of our method for advancing downstream autonomous driving technologies, such as 3D object detection and occupancy prediction.
updated: Tue Apr 02 2024 09:02:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Feb 19 2024 02:41:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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