arXiv reaDer
YOLOv8-AM: YOLOv8 Based on Effective Attention Mechanisms for Pediatric Wrist Fracture Detection
Wrist trauma and even fractures occur frequently in daily life, particularly among children who account for a significant proportion of fracture cases. Before performing surgery, surgeons often request patients to undergo X-ray imaging first and prepare for it based on the analysis of the radiologist. With the development of neural networks, You Only Look Once (YOLO) series models have been widely used in fracture detection as computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD). In 2023, Ultralytics presented the latest version of the YOLO models, which has been employed for detecting fractures across various parts of the body. Attention mechanism is one of the hottest methods to improve the model performance. This research work proposes YOLOv8-AM, which incorporates the attention mechanism into the original YOLOv8 architecture. Specifically, we respectively employ four attention modules, Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM), Global Attention Mechanism (GAM), Efficient Channel Attention (ECA), and Shuffle Attention (SA), to design the improved models and train them on GRAZPEDWRI-DX dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the mean Average Precision at IoU 50 (mAP 50) of the YOLOv8-AM model based on ResBlock + CBAM (ResCBAM) increased from 63.6% to 65.8%, which achieves the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. Conversely, YOLOv8-AM model incorporating GAM obtains the mAP 50 value of 64.2%, which is not a satisfactory enhancement. Therefore, we combine ResBlock and GAM, introducing ResGAM to design another new YOLOv8-AM model, whose mAP 50 value is increased to 65.0%. The implementation code for this study is available on GitHub at
updated: Sat Sep 28 2024 13:44:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Feb 14 2024 17:18:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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