arXiv reaDer
Synthesizing Knowledge-enhanced Features for Real-world Zero-shot Food Detection
Food computing brings various perspectives to computer vision like vision-based food analysis for nutrition and health. As a fundamental task in food computing, food detection needs Zero-Shot Detection (ZSD) on novel unseen food objects to support real-world scenarios, such as intelligent kitchens and smart restaurants. Therefore, we first benchmark the task of Zero-Shot Food Detection (ZSFD) by introducing FOWA dataset with rich attribute annotations. Unlike ZSD, fine-grained problems in ZSFD like inter-class similarity make synthesized features inseparable. The complexity of food semantic attributes further makes it more difficult for current ZSD methods to distinguish various food categories. To address these problems, we propose a novel framework ZSFDet to tackle fine-grained problems by exploiting the interaction between complex attributes. Specifically, we model the correlation between food categories and attributes in ZSFDet by multi-source graphs to provide prior knowledge for distinguishing fine-grained features. Within ZSFDet, Knowledge-Enhanced Feature Synthesizer (KEFS) learns knowledge representation from multiple sources (e.g., ingredients correlation from knowledge graph) via the multi-source graph fusion. Conditioned on the fusion of semantic knowledge representation, the region feature diffusion model in KEFS can generate fine-grained features for training the effective zero-shot detector. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of our method ZSFDet on FOWA and the widely-used food dataset UECFOOD-256, with significant improvements by 1.8% and 3.7% ZSD mAP compared with the strong baseline RRFS. Further experiments on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO prove that enhancement of the semantic knowledge can also improve the performance on general ZSD. Code and dataset are available at
updated: Wed Feb 14 2024 15:32:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Feb 14 2024 15:32:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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