arXiv reaDer
Towards Explainable, Safe Autonomous Driving with Language Embeddings for Novelty Identification and Active Learning: Framework and Experimental Analysis with Real-World Data Sets
This research explores the integration of language embeddings for active learning in autonomous driving datasets, with a focus on novelty detection. Novelty arises from unexpected scenarios that autonomous vehicles struggle to navigate, necessitating higher-level reasoning abilities. Our proposed method employs language-based representations to identify novel scenes, emphasizing the dual purpose of safety takeover responses and active learning. The research presents a clustering experiment using Contrastive Language-Image Pretrained (CLIP) embeddings to organize datasets and detect novelties. We find that the proposed algorithm effectively isolates novel scenes from a collection of subsets derived from two real-world driving datasets, one vehicle-mounted and one infrastructure-mounted. From the generated clusters, we further present methods for generating textual explanations of elements which differentiate scenes classified as novel from other scenes in the data pool, presenting qualitative examples from the clustered results. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of language-driven embeddings in identifying novel elements and generating explanations of data, and we further discuss potential applications in safe takeovers, data curation, and multi-task active learning.
updated: Sun Feb 11 2024 22:53:21 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Feb 11 2024 22:53:21 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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