arXiv reaDer
Learning by Watching: A Review of Video-based Learning Approaches for Robot Manipulation
Robot learning of manipulation skills is hindered by the scarcity of diverse, unbiased datasets. While curated datasets can help, challenges remain in generalizability and real-world transfer. Meanwhile, large-scale "in-the-wild" video datasets have driven progress in computer vision through self-supervised techniques. Translating this to robotics, recent works have explored learning manipulation skills by passively watching abundant videos sourced online. Showing promising results, such video-based learning paradigms provide scalable supervision while reducing dataset bias. This survey reviews foundations such as video feature representation learning techniques, object affordance understanding, 3D hand/body modeling, and large-scale robot resources, as well as emerging techniques for acquiring robot manipulation skills from uncontrolled video demonstrations. We discuss how learning only from observing large-scale human videos can enhance generalization and sample efficiency for robotic manipulation. The survey summarizes video-based learning approaches, analyses their benefits over standard datasets, survey metrics, and benchmarks, and discusses open challenges and future directions in this nascent domain at the intersection of computer vision, natural language processing, and robot learning.
updated: Sun Feb 11 2024 08:41:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Feb 11 2024 08:41:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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