arXiv reaDer
Insomnia Identification via Electroencephalography
Insomnia is a serious sleep disorder caused by abnormal or excessive neural activity in the brain. An estimated 50 million people worldwide are thought to be affected by this condition, which is the second most severe neurological disease after stroke. In order to ensure a quick recovery, an early and accurate diagnosis of insomnia enables more effective drug and treatment administration. This study proposes a method that uses deep learning to automatically identify patients with insomnia. A set of optimal features are extracted from spectral and temporal domains, including the relative power of σ, eta and γ bands, the total power, the absolute slow wave power, the power ratios of θ, α, γ, eta, θ/α, θ/eta, α/γ and α/eta, mean, zero crossing rate, mobility, complexity, sleep efficiency and total sleep time, to accurately quantify the differences between insomnia patients and healthy subjects and develops a 1D CNN model for the classification process. With the experiments use Fp2 and C4 EEG channels with 50 insomnia patients and 50 healthy subjects, the proposed model arrives 99.34% accuracy without sleep stage annotation. Using the features only from a single channel, the study proposes a smart solution for insomnia patients which allows machine learning to be to simplify current sleep monitoring hardware and improve in-home ambulatory monitoring.
updated: Fri Feb 09 2024 08:59:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Feb 09 2024 08:59:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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