arXiv reaDer
CREMA: Multimodal Compositional Video Reasoning via Efficient Modular Adaptation and Fusion
Despite impressive advancements in multimodal compositional reasoning approaches, they are still limited in their flexibility and efficiency by processing fixed modality inputs while updating a lot of model parameters. This paper tackles these critical challenges and proposes CREMA, an efficient and modular modality-fusion framework for injecting any new modality into video reasoning. We first augment multiple informative modalities (such as optical flow, 3D point cloud, audio) from given videos without extra human annotation by leveraging existing pre-trained models. Next, we introduce a query transformer with multiple parameter-efficient modules associated with each accessible modality. It projects diverse modality features to the LLM token embedding space, allowing the model to integrate different data types for response generation. Furthermore, we propose a fusion module designed to compress multimodal queries, maintaining computational efficiency in the LLM while combining additional modalities. We validate our method on video-3D, video-audio, and video-language reasoning tasks and achieve better/equivalent performance against strong multimodal LLMs, including BLIP-2, 3D-LLM, and SeViLA while using 96% fewer trainable parameters. We provide extensive analyses of CREMA, including the impact of each modality on reasoning domains, the design of the fusion module, and example visualizations.
updated: Thu Feb 08 2024 18:27:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Feb 08 2024 18:27:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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