arXiv reaDer
GenFace: A Large-Scale Fine-Grained Face Forgery Benchmark and Cross Appearance-Edge Learning
The rapid advancement of photorealistic generators has reached a critical juncture where the discrepancy between authentic and manipulated images is increasingly indistinguishable. Thus, benchmarking and advancing techniques detecting digital manipulation become an urgent issue. Although there have been a number of publicly available face forgery datasets, the forgery faces are mostly generated using GAN-based synthesis technology, which does not involve the most recent technologies like diffusion. The diversity and quality of images generated by diffusion models have been significantly improved and thus a much more challenging face forgery dataset shall be used to evaluate SOTA forgery detection literature. In this paper, we propose a large-scale, diverse, and fine-grained high-fidelity dataset, namely GenFace, to facilitate the advancement of deepfake detection, which contains a large number of forgery faces generated by advanced generators such as the diffusion-based model and more detailed labels about the manipulation approaches and adopted generators. In addition to evaluating SOTA approaches on our benchmark, we design an innovative cross appearance-edge learning (CAEL) detector to capture multi-grained appearance and edge global representations, and detect discriminative and general forgery traces. Moreover, we devise an appearance-edge cross-attention (AECA) module to explore the various integrations across two domains. Extensive experiment results and visualizations show that our detection model outperforms the state of the arts on different settings like cross-generator, cross-forgery, and cross-dataset evaluations. Code and datasets will be available at \url{
updated: Fri Sep 27 2024 06:10:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Feb 03 2024 03:13:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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