arXiv reaDer
GaMeS: Mesh-Based Adapting and Modification of Gaussian Splatting
Recently, a range of neural network-based methods for image rendering have been introduced. One such widely-researched neural radiance field (NeRF) relies on a neural network to represent 3D scenes, allowing for realistic view synthesis from a small number of 2D images. However, most NeRF models are constrained by long training and inference times. In comparison, Gaussian Splatting (GS) is a novel, state-of-the-art technique for rendering points in a 3D scene by approximating their contribution to image pixels through Gaussian distributions, warranting fast training and swift, real-time rendering. A drawback of GS is the absence of a well-defined approach for its conditioning due to the necessity to condition several hundred thousand Gaussian components. To solve this, we introduce the Gaussian Mesh Splatting (GaMeS) model, which allows modification of Gaussian components in a similar way as meshes. We parameterize each Gaussian component by the vertices of the mesh face. Furthermore, our model needs mesh initialization on input or estimated mesh during training. We also define Gaussian splats solely based on their location on the mesh, allowing for automatic adjustments in position, scale, and rotation during animation. As a result, we obtain a real-time rendering of editable GS.
updated: Thu Feb 15 2024 05:06:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Feb 02 2024 14:50:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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